Line Equalizers

​Milenium LEQ Series Line Equalizers
The Antronix Milenium LEQ series line of equalizers all provide fixed forward equalization to compensate for cable loss slope. With a built-in diplex filter, our line equalizers provide 12 amperes of power passing capacity, and the flexibility of both a forward and reverse path signal conditioning plug-in.
The LEQ-PEA provides minimum loss in the standard return band from 5-42 MHz and cable equalization at 750, 870, or 1000 MHz
The LEQ-PCA provides minimum loss in the standard return band from 5-42 MHz and equalization at 1218 MHz
The LEQ-PCM provides minimum loss in the mid-split return band from 5-85 MHz and equalization at 1218 MHz.
Each Millennium LEQ equalizer includes the patented USP that features a dual make-before-break switch for uninterrupted signal and power in the absence of the base plate.